
...aM treMendousLy depRessed 2niTe...
...thaNks to an aFternOOn nap...
...whiCh leadS to a stUpid idi0tic drEam...
...n a BuNch oF fucKing frenS...
*whoEveR annoYd by the abOve senTence..iM soRry*

...baCk to mY posT toniTe...
...i've bEEn gooGle-ing my naMe as i dun Feel liKe talKing to anY1...
*i even off my hp...imagine hw depress am i...*

...afTer readiNg a few weBpageS...

...there are feW opinions on how my name originated...

...soMe saId dat...
..."Sharon" is a name of Hebrew origin meaning...
..." princess; the one who laughs"...
...whom has a glowing personality, is contented with her life...
... and one who inspires others to succeed....

....some thinks that...'s fRom hebrEw too...
...buT... theM... meaNs a "a ferTile plaIn"....
...a placE namE tHat refeRs to the fLat laNd aT thE foOt of MoUnt caRmeL...
...n the sOng of soLomon descRibes the Schulamite woman as a flOwer of Sharon...
*wonders who-the-heck is Schulamite woman*

*gueSs wat??*
*...there's suCh thing namEd the roSe of sharOn...
...Asiatic shrub or small shrubby tree having showy bell-shaped rose or purple or white flowers and usually three-lobed leaves; widely cultivated in temperate North America and Europe...*

..iT is aLso saiD dat In biBlical times...
...Sharon was a fertile, coastal plain in Palestine where roses and oak trees grew in abundance...

...aPParenTly...accOrdinG to somE-sOrta-reSearCh...
... most people would imagine a person with the name Sharon to be:...
... A friendly, sweet and cheerful lady...

...duN plaY2 le...

...gT numeriCal meaning sumoRe...

"People with this name tend to be filled with the joy of life. They are quite imaginative and enthusiastic. They may fear routine and might lack self-discipline. Professionally, they can be successful as a press secretary, planner, or small business promoter. "
*aiya...meaNs im in wrOng career-line la...oppssiee....*

...n the BEST part...
...theY even haVe a StatIsticaL thiNg...

"As a baby girl name, Sharon is currently a popular baby name, with a recent overall USA popularity ranking of 526 out of 1000 (source: 2000s U.S. Census). In 2006, the name Sharon fell in popularity and moved down the USA Top 1000 charts in Year 2006, by 44 places. For the Year 2006, it ranked 623 in the Top 1000 charts. The following chart shows the popularity of the name Sharon in the USA, over the past 100 years."

*a paiNting enTitLed the rOse of shaRon*

Jesus Christ, The Rose of Sharon- I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. Song of Songs 2:1.

Jesus, Rose of Sharon, bloom within my heart;
Beauties of Thy truth and holiness impart,
That where’er I go my life may shed abroad
Fragrance of the knowledge of the love of God.

Jesus, blessèd Jesus, Rose of Sharon,
Bloom in radiance
And in love within my heart.

Jesus, Rose of Sharon, sweeter far to see
Than the fairest flow’rs of earth could ever be,
Fill my life completely, adding more each day
Of Thy grace divine and purity, I pray.

Jesus, Rose of Sharon, balm for ev’ry ill,
May Thy tender mercy’s healing power distil
For afflicted souls of weary burdened men,
Giving needy mortals health and hope again.

Jesus, Rose of Sharon, bloom forevermore;
Be Thy glory seen on earth from shore to shore,
Till the nations own Thy sov’reignty complete,
Lay their honors down and worship at Thy feet.
-Jesus, Rose of Sharon

worSt daY of my liFe??or maYbe noT...

...i feeL s0 terRible tday...
...eaRly morNing adY keNa maRah drg wRdr0und...
...dr.n**** actly asked me whether i nid a invitation card to present my case...
...i wasnt prepared...
...s0 kenA marAh bY dr L** **...
...mY baD...

...weNt to laBor rum...
..feW paTients OnlY...
...d nW HO is s0 irriTatinG...
...0r maYbe i waS t0 irriTable d2 the mOrning r0unDs...

...iT wasnT producTive to0...
...a Lot of Ppl waS talkinG...
...cNt conC...

...afTer thaT...
...mE n jIa YinG ruShed to uNit rekoD...
..to0k sum picS of d InadEquate inFo...

...ruShed bACk to LabOur r00m...
...wenT to 1 oF the rumS...
...suDDnlY aLL d miDwives haLAu me n jiayINg ouT...
...guess whY??...
...iTs so sad...
..feel so glo0my n d0wn sdnly...
...n thEn i gt t0 knw theRe's an0ther deaTh b4 tis...myb drg ouR lectUre kowt...
...wat'S wrOng wiTh 2daY??..

...n tHen...
..weN i fiNally gt mYself togetHer n takIng carE of my pt... pt pulaK bcuM restless d2 paIn...
...d epiduRal tak jaLan la..tis n taT...
..i waS s0 scAred aT dat tIme...
...cZ d miDwive-in-chaRged wasNt theRe at tat tIme...

...i feLt so uSeleSs...
...i feLt so vulNerable...
...i felT so infeRior...
...i feLt so stUpid...
...i feLt so lOst...

匿名的好友 ...

獨送昏暗莫離的風 回憶裡被愛
那股激動 天色好紅
溫柔好濃 在胸口浮現你的面容
一起活在這城市迷宮 提起你名字
心還跳動 卻沒重逢
從那懵懵懂懂 走進各自天空
該怎麼說讓彼此選擇 但思念還轉動

不能握的手 從此匿名的朋友
不能握的手 卻比親人更親厚
只有失去的溫柔 最溫柔

當又一次美夢落空 回憶裏被愛
那股激動 天色好紅
溫柔好濃 在胸口浮現你的面容
那是甚麼 讓彼此選擇 又不僅是尊重

不能握的手 從此匿名的朋友
不能握的手 卻比親人更親厚
只有失去的溫柔 最溫柔

不能握的手 從此匿名的朋友
其實我的執著 依然執著
只有失去的擁有 最永久