Professional Liars...

i once believed that if u r not as rich as others,
or not as pretty as others...

its okay...
as long as we worked harder...
as long as we studied harder...

as time pass by...
as all sorta things happen...

i now believed that no matter how hard we worked..
no matter how hard we tried to pursue our dreams
it doesnt really matters
cz its a pure lie

its a lie that they dont see what colour are you
its a lie that if you worked harder than others,u'll most likely to change ur fate
its a lie that appearance doesnt matter
its a lie that money is not evrything

its just a fairy tale that we d poor,d minority..tried to believe in order to make the reality seems less cruel...aint it?


i really think im hopeless!


What can i say?
When u grew older,u'll somehow realise that "a friend in need,is truly a friend indeed"
*the thing is...can u find urself one?*

I somehow think this is so least..recently..
I realise that when u're happy,smilling,laughing & having fun,every1 wanna be frens with you..
But...once,ur down in the matter physically,mentally or evn spiritually...
They would leave by one...finding their own new friends..

WHoeVer toLd u thaT frIendS ARe fOrever,chances are...thEy are LYING...

somehow or rather
i felt like ppl around me is surrounded by alcohol and loud music lately

is this a proof that we had grow up?
is this a proof that med students can have fun too??
is this rebel after so long of caught-in-cage moments?
is this fun before caught in cage again??

i dont know..really... had been awhile since i last see u...
...and i missed u deeply..

...i just wanna let u know that i wished the best be with you...
...i just wanna know that ur doing fine and my worries is just plain nonsense..
...i hope that ur happy with your family...

may happiness,love and laughter be with u


gooD thiNgs?

休 息 是 為 了 走 更 長 的 路

xiū xi shì wéi le zǒu gèng cháng de lù

Rest is just a respite for a longer journey

你 就 是 我 的 旅 途

nǐ jiù shì wǒ de lǚ tú

You are my journey

都 是 因 為 你

dōu shì yīn wéi nǐ

It's all because of you

我 一 直 漫 步

wǒ yì zhí màn bù

I kept walking

想 要 跟 你 一 起 走 到 最 後

xiǎng yào gēn nǐ yì qǐ zǒu dào zuì hòu

Wanting to walk with you till the end

但 我 遺 失 了 地 圖

dàn wǒ yí shī le dì tú

But I lost the map

誰 給 誰 束 縛

shuí gěi shuí shù fù

Who's the one binding the other?

誰 比 誰 辛 苦

shuí bǐ shuí xīn kǔ

Who's the one in more pain?

愛 到 深 處 才 會 領 悟 ?

ài dào shēn chu cái huì lǐng wù ?

Only if you've loved deeply will you be able to comprehend

好 的 事 情 也 許 能 夠 重 複

hǎo de shì qíng yě hǔ néng gòu zhòng fù

Perhaps the good things will repeat itself

感 動 時 分

gǎn dòng shí fēn

Poignant moments

就 算 紛 紛 模 糊

jiù suàn fēn fēn mó hu

Even if fuzzy

不 要 哭

bú yào kū

Don't cry

至 少 你 和 我 記 得 很 清 楚

zhì shǎo nǐ hé wǒ jì dé hěn qīng chu

At least you and I remember clearly

愛 是 為 彼 此 祝 福

ài shì wéi bí cǐ zhù fú

Love is to bless the other

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i kinda missed the tyme:
  • when i fell in love eva so easily...
  • when i know what i wanted...
  • when i had the guts to chase wat i wanted..
BUT SORRY..tyme doesnt go bek...tho u might dream about it every is still not within ur reach... -period-


sometimes u pretended to be someone u r not
sometimes u pretended to be stronger when u r not
sometimes u pretended to care less when u care a lot

and...then...sometimes u lost track n went off track...when u started to think that the person u pretended to be is the person u should be...

yOu're sEriousLY a LOSER (YsL/LSY)

D: she fucking HATES u~ u r such a BITCH~
A:well..she have her own life...

D:u r just BuGGING her lyfe...when r u going to grow up and have ur own lyfe??!
A:she's just busy..

D: ur PLAIN PATHETIC~canT u see it??
A:u just need to brush up ur social skill...mayb a bit...

D:she's gOnnA b PKDC no.2 n ur gonna b outta frens n dun worry...nOBODY CAREs~
A:hmm....welll.... (D kinda win this tyme...sorry...outta excuse for u....)
the more u chase for happiness
the further it will ran and hide from u..
Let’s just say in some alternate universe, there’s a couple just like us, okay? Only she’s healthy and he’s perfect. And their world is about how much they’re going to spend on vacation or who’s in a bad mood that day, or whether they feel guilty about having a cleaning lady. I don’t want to be those people. I want us. You. This.
Love & Other Drugs
owh demmmnnn~~