yesTerday me n my best ex-rumate-n-will-always-be-my-lovely-n-wonderful-rumate went t0 midvaLLey 4 my beLated buFday celebratIon..wee~(ps:it was supposed to be on mon but since dat day was raining cats n,we postponed it..)
ok..back to d st0ry...
afTer my-tiring-teacHing,me n my rumate took d cab to midvalley after i bersiram n bermandi-manda...hahaha...we had a wonderful dinner in Pasta Zanmai..yummy~~We had 2 mini sets which was finger-lcking gud... :) (rumate,can we go again??heee:P)...i loikkeee....hahaha...we had oUr dineeR tiL approx 9.30pm...
guess where we went next??
anSwer: Toys R us!!
haha...yess...we went was fun to0...n make me think dat kids nowadays r so so so lucky to have so much toys created specially for them...wen i was lil,my mum cud never afford all those expensive fancy toys frm shops lik 'toys r us' a matter of fact,oni a very small part of my childhood is filled with toys..coz after my lil bros was born(wen i was lik 7),all i remmber is making formula milk for them n bathing them..hahaha...certainly not ur ordinary childhood...
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