..spEciaLLy deDicatEd tO u..

...u sAid daT nO oNe unDerstaNds u...

...i meAn iM nOt pIcKing sidE...

...i uNderStanD ur circUmstANces...
...bUt u sHud asO unDersTand oTheR ppL's thOughtS asO...
...i mEan diFFereNt peOple haVe diFFereNt prIority...
...d0n'T u gEt it??...
...d ThinGs i SaId iS nOt tO hUrt u oR to SHoW daT wHo's wRoNg & wHo's riGHt...
...iS daT i ThInk daT i sHud tEll u daT...
...sOmetiMes tO dO soMetHng,thEre's maNy waY oF aPProaChing...

...iF i dUn caRe,i wUd jUst shUt my daMn mOuth...
...bUt iF u wAnna InterPreT iT daT waY,i cOulD do ANytHinG...

...dO waTevA u wAnTla...

p.s.::i LovE u...


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