~past tense~

...jz a moment ago my lil sis was complaining of her uniform...
...apparently she ACCIDENTALLY ter-BURN a hole on her uniform... she wanna buy a new shirt n complaining dat my mum lupa beli it...
...listening to her complaints reminded me of lotsa stuff...
...i used to ter-burn a hole on my pinafore b4 but i nvr hav the guts to ask my mum to buy me a new 1...myb cz it's my own fault...nobody shud b responsible 4 another prson's fault...
...or maybe i'm jz guilty...
...i oways think my lil sis n bros r so so lucky... least,i'm d 1 dat ll tanggung their kesalahan since im lil...
...i nvr understand y...until i grew up...'s SIMPLY cz my dad trust me to take care of d kiddos...
*ya..i'm in-charge of them since my lil bros were 15 yrs ago...*


...jz dat i think they shud at least realize the fact dat they're really lucky... least they xpnh wear school shoes with crocodile mouth b4...

..when i was a child, i'm oways jealous of my frens...
...thinking dat they're a lot luckier than me...
...i dun own a purrfect childhood...
...i'm nver a happy kid...

...i hope i'm a happier person now...

*perhaps im trying a lil too hard*

...signing off... always...


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